Use These Tips And Tricks To Save Your Air Conditioner From Wear And Tear

A home that is too humid or moist at any point throughout the year can be uncomfortable and can make your air conditioning system work harder than it has to. All that wear and tear can result in damage to your system, which in turn may require costly repairs to maintain. Here are a few things you can do to keep humidity levels low, reduce the chances of damage being done to your air conditioner, and even save yourself some money on energy bills:

Implement Extra Insulation

A poorly insulated home allows moisture to enter, which can quickly result in mold and mildew buildup which ruins walls, paint, wood, and even windowsills. It can also make your home feel warmer than it really is, which means that you're more likely to use your air conditioner for longer periods of time.

Extra moisture in your home can also rust the hardware on your sinks and cabinets. In addition to making sure that your home has been properly insulated by a professional, you can implement an extra layer of insulation protection with the help of these tips and tricks:

  • Use spray foam insulation between the windows and sills in the home.
  • Install insulation film on the inside of your windows.
  • Implement weatherstripping around each door that opens to the exterior.
  • Use weather snakes along the bottoms of your front and back door when they aren't in use.

Taking steps to add extra insulation to your home can save you some money on your monthly energy bills too.

Keep the House Fans Moving

Properly working fans will help you control the humidity in your home and keep you cooler during the day so you don't have to rely on an air conditioner all the time. Some key places to consider implementing fans for regular use include:

  • The attic
  • The hallway
  • The kitchen.
  • The bathroom

Any room that does not have windows is the perfect space to install a ceiling fan or implement a box fan. Using window fans in spaces that have them can also help cut down on moisture and humidity in your home.

Vent Some of Your Appliances

Some of the appliances in your home produce moisture that can quickly result in mold, mildew, and even property damage that your air conditioner won't be able to keep up with no matter how hard it tries. You can avoid moisture buildup by making sure that your moisture-creating appliances are vented to the outdoors. Appliances not to be overlooked include washers, dryers, and refrigerators.

If you can't vent one or more of your appliances that produce moisture for some reason, you can control the situation by wiping down the walls around the appliances on a regular basis to ensure that they stay dry.

Install Rubber Roofing

Rubber roofing is made of recycled materials, offering you an earth-friendly method of protecting your home. Rubber roof materials are waterproof, so you don't have to worry about any moisture leaking through them once they are installed. And they provide an excellent layer of insulation for your home which very well may help to lower your energy costs throughout the years. Overall, you can expect your new rubber roofing to last twice as long as most other roof types on the market. 

Have Your System Serviced

To ensure that your air conditioning system is always optimally working, it's important to have it serviced at least once a year by a professional technician. This will ensure that developing problems are nipped in the bud before they result in the need for costly air conditioning repairs.

It will also give your technician an opportunity to do some regular maintenance, like tighten the electrical connections and lubricate the systems' moving parts. In addition, you should clean your air filters once every couple of months to ensure that air can more efficiently flow through them when the air conditioner is running.

You'll find that keeping the humidity and moisture in your home under control makes for a much more comfortable experience while spending time indoors, and you'll save your air conditioner a lot of wear and tear in the long run. 
