
Use These Tips And Tricks To Save Your Air Conditioner From Wear And Tear

A home that is too humid or moist at any point throughout the year can be uncomfortable and can make your air conditioning system work harder than it has to. All that wear and tear can result in damage to your system, which in turn may require costly repairs to maintain. Here are a few things you can do to keep humidity levels low, reduce the chances of damage being done to your air conditioner, and even save yourself some money on energy bills: Read More 

When To Euthanize Your Furnace

Everything has a life expectancy. Furnaces are no exception. Some furnaces are rated to last decades, but even the highest end furnace will wind down and need to be put out of its misery. As a homeowner, how do you know when it's time to make the decision to replace an old furnace? Here is a list of symptoms that let you know it's probably time to let your furnace shuffle off this mortal coil. Read More 

Bedbugs: Avoid An Unwanted Souvenir From Your Vacation

When you think about going on vacation, chances are good that you're focused on the fun and relaxation that you're about to have. Whether your idea of a good time involves a warm locale and drinks with little umbrellas or bundling up and going skiing, you're sure to come back refreshed and rejuvenated, right? The fact is, you might have an unwelcome homecoming if you end up letting bedbugs hitch a ride home with you. Read More